Here’s How to Get Money from the Internet, Can Be Without Capital!

source: pixabay

There are actually many ways to get money on the internet, and almost all of them are enough for you to try in this digital era. This online world makes a lot of opportunities for you to make money via the internet or earn extra income. But you need to note too, you also have to be careful with the platform you will use. Because there are many forms of online fraud targeting internet users who are not careful.

The following are several ways to get money that have been reported from various sources:

1. How to get money from the internet.

Selling photos and video footage.
  • Shutterstock.
  • Adobe stock.
  • iStock.
  • BigStock.
  • Getty Images.
  • Dreamstime.


Selling and beats and music samples.
  • Soundcloud.
  • Airbit.
  • Beatstars.
  • Soundgine.
  • Traktrain.


  • Have good playing skills.
  • Ability to communicate in presenting your own event..
  • Recording equipment (camera and microphone).
  • Qualified game equipment such as a PC or cellphone with good specifications.
  • Smooth internet.


Website and application reviewers.
  • Ubertesters.
  • userBrain.
  • Playtestcloud.
  • Userlytics.
  • TestingTime.
  • Userfeel.
  • Software Judge.


Freelance writer
  • Article or feature writing: writing light topics for the benefit of content in the media.
  • Copywriting: creative writing to help businesses build and promote brands.
  • Blogging: you can make money by having your own blog or writing blog posts for other bloggers. Technical writing: writing on technical topics such as Health, technology and others.


2. How to get money for beginners

Selling online without capital

Selling online without capital can be done using the dropship system. Dropship is selling or marketing other people’s products without stocking goods first.


Writing captcha for dollars

You can try on websites that provide captcha writing jobs and are paid a rate of US $ 0.5 for 1-2 hours of work. To be able to get these dollars, you must write the captcha correctly on the website that provides this job.


Stock or crypto trading

Stock or crypto trading can provide lucrative profits, but you need to remember that if the profit is high, it will be directly proportional to the risk.


Filling out surveys

There are many companies both in Indonesia and abroad that need information by filling out surveys and this is usually provided by companies that are active in that field. You can also register on the Yougov, Jakpat and Nusaresearch sites.


Become a freelancer

There are many types of freelancers that you can do via the internet. Being a graphic designer, freelance writer, to translator can also earn money. There are many opportunities that you can try to get money from the internet. Some well-known sites that you can try for freelance are,,, and


3. How to get money from the internet without capital

Admin social media.

Your job desc is responsible for designing content, uploading content to researching content that is currently popular. Other tasks are preparing images or videos to make captions.


Jockey game

The jockey system is very simple. You play on someone else’s account, for example a Mobile Legend account so that their account can reach a higher tier or rank.


Sharing referral code

Sharing referral code is a way to earn money from APK. The method is also very easy. First, find an application that provides a referral code for you to share. Furthermore, you can participate in the referral program in the application. Once you get the code, you can send it to your friends and family.


Paid tasks

You can look for applications that offer rewards for every task you do. the tasks themselves are quite diverse, from playing games, watching videos, downloading and so on.


Those are some ways to get money from the internet that you can try.

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