I Cut Finance Out of My Life. Here’s What Happened

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I grew up in a family that didn’t have much money. I spent my days at school doing homework and playing sports, but when it came time to pay for things like haircuts or ice cream (or even just food), we often had to stand in line at the local grocery store or wait until payday. In this kind of situation, it’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing—and how they’re handling their finances—while overlooking your own way of making ends meet. But after years of living this way, I realized that there are many reasons why being financially mindful can help improve your life:

The importance of being in the moment

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and observing your thoughts, emotions and actions. It can be applied to all aspects of life including work, relationships, health and fitness.

How do I practice mindfulness?

  • Practice meditation or yoga for 10 minutes every day if possible (you don’t need to join a class). You can also listen to guided meditations on Spotify or other podcasts like Headspace which are free and easy access points into this mindset that allows you to live in the present moment instead of always thinking about what needs done next or what happened yesterday! 2) Try writing down 3 things that happened today (or yesterday) as soon as they happen so that when you look back at them later everything seems fresh again – no distractions! 3.) Set aside time each week where either yourself alone or with friends/family go out somewhere fun together without using phones etc… This allows everyone involved time away from technology while still being able

How I started putting my money where my mouth is

The first step is to cut finance out of your life and get rid of any financial expectations. Here’s how I did that:

  • I set up an account with Mint, which tracks my spending and bills in real time. This has helped me keep track of my spending habits, while also giving me an opportunity to see where I’m spending money when it comes time for those pesky bills or purchases that come with the territory. It’s also great because it allows you to plan ahead so that you’re not surprised by unexpected charges on your credit card statements or statements from other companies (like Netflix).
  • When I do have extra cash in my bank account, I like keeping it there because coins aren’t always accepted everywhere—and they tend not to be worth much at all if they fall into unscrupulous hands! But if there’s something really important happening though—say when we’re traveling somewhere new—then I’ll pay off some of our debts with the extra funds before bringing them back home again (because why would anyone want those kinds of things?).

Why being financially mindful helped me reduce anxiety and stress

Financial stress is a real problem for many people. It can cause anxiety and depression, lead to unhealthy habits such as overeating or smoking, and even cause you to make poor financial decisions that can have long-term consequences.

This is why being financially mindful has been so helpful for me—it helped me reduce my stress levels without having to give up any of the things I love most (like eating out). In fact, it’s actually helped me spend less money overall!

The importance of refraining from comparisons

The most important thing to remember when it comes to money is that you are different from every other person on the planet. No two people have the same life experiences, goals or circumstances—and those differences matter a lot more than what other people are doing with their money.

When you compare yourself to others and think about how they’re better off than you are, or worse off than you are (or both), then it can start making sense why many people feel like they don’t deserve anything better in life than what they have now. Or maybe even why other people seem like they’ve got everything under control when really there’s nothing more important than learning how our own minds work so we can change ourselves for good!

The impact of eliminating financial expectations

The impact of eliminating financial expectations

I have always been a big believer in the power of expectations. They can be very powerful motivators and help us achieve things that we wouldn’t otherwise do or want to do. But when you have financial expectations, it can be difficult to let go of them because they carry so much weight with them—you begin to expect everything you ever wanted or needed out of life will always come through your bank account.

However, if you truly want peace and happiness in your life then this may be something worth considering giving up on (or at least reducing). After all, what good is money if it doesn’t bring any happiness?

What I learned about spending money and paying bills

  • I learned how to be mindful of my spending.
  • I learned how to pay bills on time.
  • I learned how to budget and save money by using an app called Mint (which is free). It helps you track your spending and keep tabs on where your cash goes so that you can make better decisions about what’s most important in life—like eating out or buying clothes instead of taking the bus every day because it’s cheaper than owning a car (or even getting ride-sharing services like Uber). You’ll also see which bills are coming due soon and make sure those are paid before they hit your credit card limit! If not, then there will be extra fees added onto them later down the line when they’re charged again at higher interest rates due to late payments made during initial purchase date/time period being overshipped with excessive amounts incurred while waiting weeks longer than necessary just because some people want things done yesterday rather than waiting until tomorrow morning before deciding what needs done next week instead.”

Why being financially mindful might be right for you

You might be wondering if the path to financial health is worth it. After all, there are other things in life that matter more than money.

But there are plenty of reasons why being financially mindful might be right for you:

  • Reducing stress and increasing your happiness by saving less will help you live a more balanced life overall. You’ll also feel better about yourself and your future as a result of saving more money!
  • Being able to see where each dollar goes can help with self-awareness—and this isn’t just an exercise in self-improvement; it’s also good news if you want to get out of debt or save up enough cash for something big (like buying a house). The process helps give clarity on how much income comes in versus how much goes out each month—the kind of info that could help determine whether or not someone needs extra help managing their spending habits before they find themselves buried under debt again…

Finances are important, but being mindful with your approach can help reduce stress and make a huge impact.

Finances are important, but being mindful with your approach can help reduce stress and make a huge impact.

I started putting my money where my mouth is by making small changes in my life. For example, I stopped using credit cards and started using cash instead. This was an easy way to start because it didn’t require any investment or long-term commitment on my part; it was just something that felt right for me at the time (and still does).

As someone who has always been financially minded—and who likes keeping track of things like expense categories and budgets—this probably won’t surprise you too much: reducing financial expectations helped me reduce anxiety about money! When you’re used to having certain standards set for yourself when it comes to spending habits or investments—or even what kind of car to buy—it can be difficult if those expectations aren’t met every time around.”


I hope that you’ve found this post to be helpful and that it’s inspired you to think about how you can incorporate financial mindfulness into your life. Remember, the most important thing is to make sure your finances are working for you. If they aren’t, then get help from a professional or take some time off from work and focus on finding ways to improve things.

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