What the Future of Technology Work Looks Like After Coronavirus

The world has changed since the days when every employee was in the office, working from 9 to 5. Now, many of us are expected to be reachable 24/7 by email and phone. This trend is likely to continue as we look for ways to improve productivity in an increasingly mobile workforce. The question is: what does this mean for young people entering the workforce today? If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that you’re interested in pursuing a career in technology—but what does that mean for your future?

Accelerating the shift towards a remote workforce

Why do we need to commute? It’s a waste of time, money and resources, both for employees and employers. If you can save your staff from the need to commute—and you’ll be able to do this with the right technology solutions—you will not only be supporting a remote workforce but also improving productivity, reducing stress levels and improving work life balance.

The future of technology work lies in the cloud.

As a technology worker, you can expect to spend far more time in the cloud than ever before. The cloud is an increasingly popular way of working—it’s fast and secure and enables people to access their files and applications from any device. Cloud computing makes it possible for companies like yours to work remotely without having on-site servers or equipment.

Shifting focus to service-based revenue

A service-based approach to revenue generation is more sustainable and scalable, so it’s not a surprise that companies are moving toward this model. However, it’s not as straightforward as outsourcing IT processes or applying a one-size-fits-all solution. Service providers need to be able to adapt their offerings based on the needs of the company they are working with.

A service-based business model isn’t new; we’ve seen this in many industries over time (think: restaurants). But it does mean changing the way we work in order to meet client expectations and maintain profitability. This means streamlining processes, standardizing procedures and finding ways to manage costs while improving quality of output and services provided at scale so employees aren’t overwhelmed by increased workloads due directly related factors such as increased demand due viral outbreaks like coronavirus outbreak which has forced some companies into adopting new technology (e., telecommuting).

New threats and new opportunities for cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses as cyber attacks and data breaches become more sophisticated.

One of the biggest challenges facing businesses in this area is that cybersecurity threats are increasing in complexity, while the number of potential attack vectors continues to grow. The Internet of Things (IoT) has added new devices to the network, which increases the likelihood that there will be vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers.

Cybersecurity threats are also becoming more prevalent across all industries and organizations, both domestic and international. In order to make sure your company’s systems are protected against evolving security risks, we recommend engaging with a professional IT support company who can help you understand how to mitigate risk through comprehensive managed services including:

  • Identity protection services – This solution protects against account takeover attempts by enabling two-factor authentication for users logging into accounts from unauthorized locations or devices
  • Identity intelligence solutions – This service uses artificial intelligence technology to monitor user behavior patterns across multiple devices from various geographic regions with minimal human involvement

Changes in how we work with partners and suppliers.

You’ll need to change the way you work with partners and suppliers. This will be a huge challenge because of the global nature of supply chains. It will also mean changing how we think about work, as more and more people move from an office environment to either remote working or offshoring.

Re-thinking the role of enterprise data centers

The rise of cloud computing and the data center as a service (DCaaS) model is changing our expectations of what enterprise IT infrastructure looks like. In this new world, we are no longer tied to the physical location of our resources; they can be anywhere on the globe and accessed via an onboarding process that takes seconds.

This will have an impact on how enterprises build their data centers in the future:

  • Data centers will be more distributed. Rather than having one data center in one location, enterprises will likely use multiple locations across different countries and regions for redundancy purposes. This could also mean there are fewer large facilities like those at Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure; instead, companies may prefer smaller sites with lower cooling costs so they can be located near where they operate their businesses geographically. As noted earlier, if there’s an outbreak at a single DC it won’t affect all users because there are many other locations available for them to switch over too without impacting operations significantly due to latency issues.”

Young people should be ready to adapt to new ways of working.

The future of technology work is happening, and it’s already arrived. The IT industry is going to look different than it does today, largely because of what we’ve learned from the Coronavirus outbreak.

With so many businesses working remotely now, more employees and young people should be ready to adapt to new ways of working. That means being flexible about where you do your job (whether that’s at home or in a coworking space), who you need around you (in some cases, you may not need anyone else) and how much money you make as a result (if your salary increases significantly). These changes may sound scary at first — especially if they don’t necessarily come with higher pay — but there are plenty of reasons why they’re worth embracing.


The future of technology work is not just about the cloud. There are many other ways to redefine how we work, and as we’ve seen with the spread of the Coronavirus, there will be new challenges as well. But one thing is clear: if we want to keep up with our competitors and stay ahead of the curve in this fast-paced industry, then it’s time for us all to embrace change.

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